Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm a Big Fan of...! March 2008

Here's my March 2008 gush!


I am thrilled with the news that this amazing, talented, Oscar-winning actress (who happens to be deaf), has been added to the new season of Dancing with the Stars!

I was fortunate to meet Marlee at the AOL-Dove CEO Awards in NYC in 2006 where she and I were both recognized. Marlee delivered a great keynote. She is funny, talented, confident, intelligent and a great role model for all of us. Marlee made it clear in her speech that she attributes much of her success to the way in which her family raised her to be just a typical kid (parents take note).

Those parenting efforts paid off handsomely. Lucky for us.

You can find out more about Marlee Matlin at:

-And make sure you vote to keep Marlee in each week. Our numbers are mighty powerful when we unite to support a worthy cause. What a statement we can make!

Congrats, Marlee! You've got my vote.

I like this show even more now....
Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs: Raising the Bar of Expectations

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