Many people have little clue as to how politicized many of the decisions affecting children with special needs are. Decisions on funding and policy in our communities are often made at the highest levels and filter down into our backyards, impacting our ability to easily navigate systems and help our children realize their full potential.
Without the proper understanding and education about this process, it can be tough for anyone to advocate effectively for lasting, needed change for this deserving population.
That's why I am thrilled to have have been accepted into this weekend's intensive
Michigan, Go Run! Political Leadership Training Program. Part of the White House Project, this exciting effort is committed to helping women realize their important, valuable roles in the political arena, giving them the training, tools and support needed to realize their lofty dreams of public service. This weekend's event promises to help me better prepare myself to reach my big goals of impacting policy change on special needs at a high level nationwide and beyond. Running for office? Still undecided.
I have been fortunate to use my skills and passion to accomplish some important work on special needs these past two decades. It's work of which I am proud. I now want and need to learn more to take my advocacy to a new level. Eventually, I hope to become a childcare ambassador who travels internationally to document as a writer/photographer/advocate the stories of children worldwide facing the tremendous, often untold challenges of special needs. I want to realize big change worldwide and bring more attention to the cause on a larger stage, using my journalistic chops and my heart for the subject at hand to drive home important points and impact long-overdue change.
This weekend promises to be the start of an exciting and challenging new journey for me. I believe women hold the power to change the world. Their voices are needed now more than ever before in our history, especially as they impact our nations' most vulnerable citizens, its children. For me, that equation must include special needs awareness.
To find out more about the White House Project, visit:
Wish me luck! I'll share more soon.
JudyWinter.comBreakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs: Raising the Bar of